Prescription Medication Assistance for Seniors

Helping seniors take medication safely with weekly home visits as part of our 'Prescription Box Setup and Management' program

Carative can visit your loved on at home and assist with weekly prescription medications.

A very real, but often overlooked, concern is whether or not your loved one is taking their medications properly. According to the National Institute of Health, people age 65 and older take more prescription and over-the-counter medicines than any other age group. Older people as a group tend to have more long-term, chronic illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Our nurses will set-up medication boxes and visit on a weekly basis to refill the medication boxes and do a general health and well-being check of the individuals. If you would like more information about weekly home visits through our 'Prescription Box Setup and Management' program, please contact us.

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